I’m Edgar Wonder, just a guy deeply immersed in the vibrant tapestry of music, community, and creativity. My journey isn’t just mine; it’s a shared voyage with the incredible souls I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with, from artists like Bellowing Bear, Micah Thunder, to the dynamic duo of Sister Baby, and the rhythmic essence of Walker Kass, Jimmy Climbs, Lowmello, JD Nash, Felix Gato Peralta, Dymer, and so many more. Each project, each session, is a new adventure, a story waiting to be told through the universal language of music.

I’ve been fortunate enough to wear a few hats in my time – award-winning music producer, film composer, and an entrepreneur constantly seeking the next wave of innovation. But these titles, they’re just part of the story. The real magic? It’s in the connections, the late-night sessions that turn into early mornings, the first note of a new track that says, “we’ve got something special here.”

Monsoon is my brainchild, a collective that’s all about bringing artists together, creating a space where creativity knows no bounds. It’s more than a project; it’s a movement, fueled by passion and the relentless pursuit of artistic expression.

Then there’s my band, Edgar Wonder – it’s where I’m most at home. My brother, Edwin Hernandez, blesses us with his background vocals and multi-instrumentalist genius. Luke Seelau keeps us grounded with his mastery on the drums, while Angel Cruz brings the soul with his bass. And when we’re lucky, Lillie Elmore from Sister Baby graces us with her presence, adding that extra layer of magic to our sound.

To me, music is more than just notes on a page or strings on a guitar. It’s the heartbeat of the community, a catalyst for change, and a bridge between worlds. Whether producing, composing, or performing, I’m just here to keep that heartbeat strong, to tell the stories that need to be told, and to welcome anyone who’s drawn to the sound.

So, if you’re ever curious about what we’re up to, whether it’s a Monsoon event, a new track laying down in the studio, or just jamming out with my band – consider this your open invitation. Let’s create something unforgettable.

Cheers, Edgar